Election of Directors
April 1, 2015
Obituary – Sad demise of Mr. Ch. Habib ur Rehman
May 28, 2015
May 12, 2015

Dispatch of Bonus Share Certificates (B-20)

We are pleased to inform our shareholders that Bonus Share Certificates in respect of 95% of 40% Bonus for the year ended December 31, 2014 approved in 55th Annual General Meeting held on 13.04.2015 have been dispatched to the shareholders on 12.05.2015 at their registered addresses. Shareholders having accounts/sub accounts in the Central Depository Company (CDC) have also been credited with their entitlement of Bonus Shares.

The remaining 5% Bonus shares shall also be dispatched / credited in respective CDC accounts/sub accounts separately, after settlement of 5% Withholding Tax on issued Bonus Shares in due course of time.

The shareholders who do not receive these Bonus Shares (B-20) within fifteen (15) days of the Notice may please contact Company’s Share Registrar M/s. FD Registrar Services (SMC-Pvt.) Ltd., 1705, Saima Trade Tower-A, I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi, Phone Nos.35478192 & 32271906.

Company Secretary
Karachi : May 12, 2015