April 11, 2022
The General Manager
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building
Stock Exchange Road,
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that the Corporate Briefing Session of The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Limited is scheduled on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 12:30 (p.m.) at PSX Auditorium, 3rd Floor, Stock Exchange Building, Karachi to brief about the
Company’s financial performance and future outlook.
The members are also attend the Session through video link facility via Zoom. Accordingly, those investors, analysts and shareholders who desire to attend the Session are requested to register themselves by sending an email along with the following particular at athar.khan@localhost with subject of “Registration for UNIC CBS – 2020-2021, by day end of April 20, 2022.
Name of Shareholders/Investor/Analyst
Folio No/CDC Account Number/Name of Organization
Contact Number
Video Link to join the Session will be shared with only those investors, analysts and shareholders whose email containing the aforementioned particulars are received at the above mentioned email address.
You may please inform the TRE Certificate Holders of the Exchange accordingly.
Athar A. Khan
Company Secretary