August 2, 2016, 10:22:47
The General Manager
Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Exchange Building
Stock Exchange Road,
Subject: Board Meeting
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on 09/08/2016 at 11:00 am, at Karachi to consider the Nil Accounts for the period ended Nil for declaration of any entitlement.
The Company has declared the Closed Period from 02/8/2016 to 9/8/2016 as required under Clause 5.19.15 of the Code of Corporate Governance contained in the Rule Book of the Exchange. Accordingly, no Director, CEO or Executive shall, directly / indirectly, deal in the shares of the Company in any manner during the Closed Period.
You may please inform the TRE Certificate Holders of the Exchange accordingly.
Yours Sincerely,